Castle Hall Sidewalk Extension

Project ID: 2022-01Fiscal Year: 2023Funding Source: General Fund

Description: This project comprises the design and construction of new sidewalks, lighting and Stormwater Infrastructure on Castle Hall Road from the current sidewalk terminus at Wall St to the second entrance of the Beaufort Housing Authority Yemassee Heights development. The primary focus of this project is to create greater pedestrian connectivity from the downtown district to the public housing projects and improve citizen safety along the Castle Hall corridor.


Estimated Cost: $225,000.00Actual Cost: $25,000.00Actual End Date: N/A
Estimated Start Date: 01/01/2023Actual Start Date: 12/14/2022Estimated End Date: N/A
On BudgetOn ScheduleView Project Plans


Pre-Design:Completed (June 2022)
Design:In Progress (December 2022)
Remaining Phases:3

Project Team:

RoleResponsible Party
Project Engineer: