CARE Program

Our C.A.R.E. (Checking Around Residents of the Elderly) program is an outreach program designed for disabled, homebound, or elderly residents. As part of the program, participants request health and welfare checks. Officers will call citizens who have elected to participate in the program several times a week. The goal is to engage and ensure their well-being. If Officers are unable to make contact or if the Officer detects a problem, an Officer is sent by the home to check on the individual. This program is a free service provided by the Yemassee Police Department and is available to all addresses within the Town limits.

Enter your name here
Enter a Phone Number we can reach you at.
Enter your e-mail address here
Enter the name of the individual we should check on.
Enter the physical address of the individual we're checking on.
Enter the individuals age that we'll be checking on.
Enter any pertinent information that would be beneficial for our officers to know about the individual we'll be checking on.
Enter an individual that we should contact in the event of an emergency.
Enter a Phone Number where we can reach the Emergency Contact in the event of an emergency.